COOKI PLASTICSURGERY | REAL Review _ V line surgery with Zygoma and Square Jaw reduction

HI guys!

As summer vacation season is coming, many people try to ask and want to get facial contouring surgery with Cooki Clinic.
Our Dr Jung is specialized in facial contouring surgery and well known in Korea.
Someone try to find out local clinic in Korea, I would like to recommend to visit COOKI CLINIC :)

Today, I'm gonna introduce one case of Real Review, who've done V Line surgery with zygoma and Square Jaw reduction.

People who have a quite big angle on the jaw and high cheekbone, we recommend them to get square jaw and cheekbone reduction.
With surgery, oval and smooth shape of the face you can get.

These are photos less than 5 days after the surgery.

Right after the surgery, because of swelling, the face could seem uneven.
But 1-2 weeks after, swelling will be gone slowly and you can see the real shape of your face.

10 days after the surgery, the face line looks much slimmer and clear.

About 17 days after, all big swelling go down so it looks natural and normal.

For cheekbone surgery, the doctor incise 1.5cm on sideburns.
After 7 days, stitches will be removed and with hair, the scar is invisible.

And other surgery will proceed inside of the mouth so after the surgery there would be stitches inside the mouth.
14 days after, stitches will be removed.

After every stitch is removed, swelling fo the face goes down.

So in the clinic, we recommend people to take 14 days vacation for normal daily life.

After 3 weeks, no one can recognize you got surgery XD

Few months after, small swelling also is gone so the face looks more natural.

Next post, I'll show you more pictures of facial contouring surgery.

If someone looking for facial contouring surgery this vacation, don't hesitate to contact us :)

We are always open for free online consultation!

KAKAO : cookips
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